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Coffee Pods (K-Cups)

Recyclable or Compostable?

Recyclable Coffee Pods

  • Definition: Plastics that can be collected, processed, and transformed into new products.

  • Material: Made from recyclable polypropylene plastic (#5 plastic) cup + Aluminum top

  • End-of-Life: Designed to be reused and can be melted down and remolded into new plastic products.

  • How to discard: Peel and discard the lid, then toss the grounds. Recycle PP cups. (Accepted in curbside recycling system across North America. Check with your local recycling program to verify acceptance of pods.)

  • Environmental Impact: Reduces waste in landfills and conserves resources but may still contribute to pollution if not properly recycled.

  • Time to Decompose: Can take hundreds of years to break down if not recycled.

>> Read More About Recyclable Pouches & Bags (Coming Soon)

Compostable Coffee Pods

  • Definition: Plastics designed to break down into non-toxic components in a composting environment.

  • Material: Made from renewable resources like corn starch, sugar cane or other plant-based materials (often referred to as PLA).

  • End-of-Life: Requires specific composting conditions (e.g., heat, moisture) to fully decompose into organic matter.

  • How to discard: Peel and discard the lid. Check with your local recycling program to verify acceptance of compostable pods.

  • Environmental Impact: Reduces waste and can enrich soil if processed correctly; however, they need appropriate facilities to break down.

  • Time to Decompose: Typically breaks down within 90 to 180 days in commercial composting facilities.

>> Read More About Compostable Pouches & Bags (Coming Soon)​

Trees From Above

"Coffee grounds are rich in nutrient and high in nitrogen. They are considered valuable organic materials to be added to composting pile. Let's bring our coffee pods to compost."

Compostable Packaging

Plastic have become an integral part of our modern life. Single serve coffee pods (K-cups) are one good example which offers the convenience, variety, consistency and time-saving we desire daily. However, their increasing popularity has challenged the problems of waste and raised the question of how best to avoid coffee pods ending up in the landfills. To contribute to more sustainable plastic life cycles as part of a circular economy, Korpack has created a coffee pod made from 100% biomaterials that can completely break down within 12 weeks in the industrial composting facility.

How To Dispose

Check with your local council to see if composting services are offered in your location. After brewing is done, throw the pod into your compostable waste bin.

Certification Standards

  • American Standard : ASTM 6400

  • European Standard : EN 13432

  • Australian Standard : AS 4736

Your Korea packaging partner providing one-stop solution from design to delivery

A Better Choice For
A Better World

#circulareconomy #greenalternative #sustainability #madeinkorea #singleservecoffeepod #zeroplastics #madefromplants #kcups

"Our mission is to make coffee businesses give better choices to everyone. Better for the environent, so better for consumers, and after all, better for businesses too."

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